According to interview between Karl Kapp and Cisco’s Tom Kelly,he choose this book for now because of, he tried to eliminate some of the arguments about information, communication, and education versus training, and just talk about content and making people successful in their jobs. And because we have been successful doing that, we wanted to share the elements we have developed for success. This is the reason when the argument occur the effectiveness and scalability. He assumes that the classroom training is not consistently effective. It completely depends on the passion, enthusiasm, and expertise of the instructor and the willingness of the learner. So availability is the difference, not quality instruction, availability is what makes it effective. Some people said thet e-learning are just peaked but he don’t think that was the peak. He think it was the first salvo in coalescing an industry. Before that statement there were very few companies in the e-learning space, there was little or no product in learning management, content management, or very many authoring tools that had any scalability. He also assumes there are a variety of tools to deliver the same content in different ways. The delivery of the learning should be based on how the learner wants to get it not how the designer wants to create it. He think that is the difference in how training has worked in the past and how training in the corporate and private sector has to work in the future.

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